Message From Our Hon’ble Director

Mr. Shahab-Ul-Haque

It’s my immense pleasure to introduce myself as pioneer director of the premiere institution of Chenab Valley. After my post graduation from the prestigious Aligarh Muslim University, I never opted for any job. Instead I started to dream of passing over my hard earned academic experience to the children of the Valley and in this pursuit I got the support of some of my comrades who shared the same dream.

To materialize and accomplish our dream, we choose the best option as Sir Syed had chosen at the time of the establishment of AMU Aligarh. That’s how the inception of Chenab Valley Public School came into existence.

Initially I along with my friends faced a lot of troubles as well as hindrances to establish and run the school smoothly due to our limited resources but our determination, confidence and obviously the blessings of the Almighty swept away all the obstacles aside to fulfill our dream. Since the inception of the school I never thought to opt for any other profession and dedicated myself for the upliftment and honour of my institution with an inherent urge to inculcate, impart and infuse best possible education to the children of Chenab Valley. Being an aspiring academic administrator it was my desire to infuse moral as well as ethical values among my students with an urge to keep them away from western infiltration and influence as well so that our future citizens can project themselves as ideal human beings. My objective was to spread the message of human excellence with high moral and ethical values.

More than two decades have passed and now I can proudly say that our endeavour didn’t go in vain because the name Chenab Valley Public Hr. Sec. School now sounds synonymous to a place where gems are produced in spontaneous and persistent manner. We can proudly claim that we have moulded numberless children into resourceful human beings. I take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to the people of Chenab Valley, my dedicated teachers, students, well wishers and everyone around us without whose selfless and unconditional support our dream would have been renamed unfulfilled.

Last but not the least I am privileged to get the altruistic services of our principal Mr. Barin Bhattacharya and his team of dedicated staff members for the enviable and accelerated growth of our school in every field. Their 24/7 endeavour to bring more laurels for the school is admired by everyone and I express my heartfelt acknowledgement and regards for it.

To conclude my message I would like to reiterate my pledge on behalf of the school management. I promise that we are and we will be committed to pursue our journey to produce more and more academic gems from our the Valley to enlighten and illuminate the human race with their academic and humanistic glitter for ever.

Thank you all for being with us as always! “The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. (Robert Frost)”