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Welcome to The Chenab Valley Public School

It was around 25 years ago when a group of young boys from Doda started dreaming to do something new to facilitate the people of Chenab Valley with their innovative endeavour. The group aspired to provide a felicitous platform with the exposure of the modern world to the people of the then backward hilly terrain of District Doda. The journey was not smooth at all for they had to vanquish a lot of obstacles to achieve their dream. After passing through uncountable hindrances their dream project Chenab Valley Public School came into existence in the year 1995. From then onwards the seed of their dream project started growing and now it has become a huge tree with strong branches. With the grace of Almighty all branches of this tree carry fruits of success and hardwork.During this journey, besides imparting quality education, our main intention/motto was to infuse moral values among the students as well as to prepare them as ideal citizens for future.Further we always solemnly intended to expose and explore the hidden talents of the children of Chenab Valley using the well acclaimed platform of our institution.We have relentlessly worked hard all the time to create a conducive ambiance for the spontaneous grooming of our children with our utmost nourishment.

During this journey of 25 years

During this journey of 25 years we have achieved a lot to fulfill our desired goal and a lot more is yet to be achieved. We believe in illimitable dreams of academic brilliance and for that we never leave any stone unturned in our endeavours. For the last more than two decades we are fortunate enough to produce numerous extraordinary talents who continue to illuminate various fields of the society with utmost integrity, honesty and honour. The alumni of our school are not only known for their professional expertise in different fields but are also well known for their moral humanistic behaviour and that is our biggest pride.
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Learning about oneself and one’s relationship with nature and the world is central to such a vision. As educators, our attempt is to awaken intelligence and sensitivity in the child and to instill a sense of order with freedom, and confidence without competition. We strive to create an atmosphere for learning that is free of rewards and punishments, fear and authority.
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After passing through uncountable hindrances their dream project Chenab Valley Public School came into existence in the year 1995. From then onwards the seed of their dream project started growing and now it has become a huge tree with strong branches. With the grace of Almighty all branches of this tree carry fruits of success and hardwork. During this journey, besides imparting quality education, our main intention/motto was to infuse moral values among the students as well as to prepare them as ideal citizens for future. Further we always solemnly intended to expose and explore the hidden talents of the children of Chenab Valley using the well acclaimed platform of our institution.
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In our school curriculum, along with pursuance of academic excellence we always give equal emphasis on moral and religious teachings. Our students get all the requisite opportunities to become complete human beings with strong academics and high moral values in cultural supremacy and sporting activities. Our students are specially trained for oratory skills, debates, quizzing, leadership qualities and other sporting excellence under the guidance of our highly talented and dedicated staff members. As a result of this grooming, we always achieve high acclamations and honours in all the competitions and events. In academics we are always blessed with the presence of highly qualified and dedicated teachers. Their expertise in the state of the art teaching pedagogy with utmost zeal and zest is praiseworthy. Their ability is not only confined to academic excellence but they also prove their mettle in cultural and sporting events involving all the students. We feel immense pride for having a team of talented teachers and we acknowledge their selfless services to help the school to reach on this pinnacle. Our school is always committed to maintain cordial relationship with the parents and their suggestions are always taken care of with utmost sincerity. Our parents always play an integral role for the success we have achieved till date. We further appreciate the support and encouragement from the Civil Society of Chenab Valley who play a pivotal role in our consistent achievements. Lastly we promise to continue our relentless efforts to make Chenab Valley Public Higher Secondary School an institution of excellence to be remembered as one of the most beloved, well acclaimed and highly respected institutions of our valley. That is our goal to achieve and we hope you all will be with us forever in our journey in this unending pursuit.

We have relentlessly worked hard all the time to create a conducive ambiance for the spontaneous grooming of our children with our utmost nourishment. During this journey of 25 years we have achieved a lot to fulfill our desired goal and a lot more is yet to be achieved. We believe in illimitable dreams of academic brilliance and for that we never leave any stone unturned in our endeavours. For the last more than two decades we are fortunate enough to produce numerous extraordinary talents who continue to illuminate various fields of the society with utmost integrity, honesty and honour. The alumni of our school are not only known for their professional expertise in different fields but are also well known for their moral humanistic behaviour and that is our biggest pride.